Picking Systems in Warehouse Logistics with RFID

Reduce costs and avoid errors through digitized order picking

Picking systems with RFID connect warehouse workers to an inventory management system and logistics software via wireless handheld scanners. The system passes on data about the location of an item and the quantity to be picked to the worker. Once an item is added to the order, the handheld scanner confirms the transaction and the next task is called.

These digital systems offer great advantages over error-prone paper-based picking. Even barcode systems can’t match a wrist-worn RFID scanner for picking speed in terms of picks/min. When the transponders are mounted on the shelf, a pick operation can be checked completely indirectly in the background, which maximizes efficiency and can extremely reduce the error rate.

Benefits of RFID technology from Metratec for order picking systems

Reduced Costs

Reduction of manual work and increase of efficiency leads to cost savings and higher added value

Avoid Picking Errors

Digital protocols and control programs prevent errors and ensure higher customer satisfaction

Increase Productivity

More orders can be processed together in less time. This can increase the productivity and flexibility of the warehouse.

Identify / RFID


Short to medium ranges in industrial applications and more


Long range and inexpensive transponders for applications in logistics and more